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- location of the detention place
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- Date of Arrest
- Publication date in the Official Gazette
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30 shown of 10000+ entities
Koum Embo police station
- location of the detention place
- Aswan
- Detention place type
- Police Station
Detention place
New Aswan Police Department
- Date of establishment
- Jul 27, 2017
- location of the detention place
- Aswan
- Detention place type
- Police Station
Detention place
Daraw Police Station
- location of the detention place
- Aswan
- Detention place type
- Police Station
Detention place
Aswan first police station
- location of the detention place
- Aswan
- Detention place type
- Police Station
Detention place
Kom Embu central hospital
- location of the detention place
- Aswan
- Detention place type
- Accidental Detention Place
Detention place
Al shallal camp
- location of the detention place
- Aswan
- Detention place type
- Central Security Forces Camp
Detention place
Abu Simbel Police Station
- location of the detention place
- Aswan
- Detention place type
- Police Station
Detention place
Nasr El Nobah Police Station
- location of the detention place
- Aswan
- Detention place type
- Police Station
Detention place
Central prison at new Aswan
- Date of establishment
- Dec 1, 2017
- location of the detention place
- Aswan
- Detention place type
- Central Prison
Detention place
Aswan Security Directorate
- location of the detention place
- Aswan
- Detention place type
- Accidental Detention Place
Detention place
Aswan second police station
- location of the detention place
- Aswan
- Detention place type
- Police Station
Detention place
Edfu police station
- location of the detention place
- Aswan
- Detention place type
- Police Station
Detention place
Central prison at Daru
- location of the detention place
- Aswan
- Detention place type
- Central Prison
Detention place
Aswan National Security Headquarter
- location of the detention place
- Aswan
- Detention place type
- National Security Facility
Detention place
Edfu Central Prison
- location of the detention place
- Aswan
- Detention place type
- Central Prison
Detention place
Housh Issa police station
- location of the detention place
- Beheira
- Detention place type
- Police Station
Detention place
Damanhour public prison - Al Abaadiya
- Date of establishment
- Jan 1, 1908
- location of the detention place
- Beheira
- Detention place type
- General Prison
Detention place
Rashid police station
- location of the detention place
- Beheira
- Detention place type
- Police Station
Detention place
Kafr Al dawar police station
- Date of establishment
- Jan 1, 1969
- location of the detention place
- Beheira
- Detention place type
- Police Station
Detention place
Beheira Security Directorate
- location of the detention place
- Beheira
- Detention place type
- Accidental Detention Place
Detention place
Beheira National Security Headquarter
- location of the detention place
- Beheira
- Detention place type
- National Security Facility
Detention place
South Tahrir prison
- location of the detention place
- Beheira
- Detention place type
- General Prison
Detention place
Prison of prisoners' work camp at Badr centre at Beheira
- location of the detention place
- Beheira
- Detention place type
- Prison
Detention place
Etay El Baroud Central Prison
- location of the detention place
- Beheira
- Detention place type
- Central Prison
Detention place
Wadi El Natroun Police Station
- Date of establishment
- Jan 1, 1967
- location of the detention place
- Beheira
- Detention place type
- Police Station
Detention place
Kafr El Dawwar Central Prison
- location of the detention place
- Beheira
- Detention place type
- Central Prison
Detention place
El Nasr Police Station
- location of the detention place
- Beheira
- Detention place type
- Police Station
Detention place
Badr Police Station
- location of the detention place
- Beheira
- Detention place type
- Police Station
Detention place
Gharb El Noubareya Police Department
- location of the detention place
- Beheira
- Detention place type
- Police Station
Detention place
Itay El baroud court
- location of the detention place
- Beheira
- Detention place type
- Accidental Detention Place
Detention place