Yasser Mohamed Abdelazem
Detention Victim- Date updated
- Nov 8, 2021
- Gender
- Male
- Age group
- 18-35
- Nationality
- Egyptian
- Profession
- Azhar high school student
- Profession Category
- Student
- Background of detention
- Pretrial detention
- Violations
- Arbitrary pretrial detention
- Denial of Medical Care
- Deprivation of liberty
- Enforced disappearance
- Exceptional "Emergency State Security " trial
- Poor detention conditions
- Recycling
- Torture
- Methods of torture
- Beaten Without legal Cause
- Electricity
- Psychological torture
- Place of detention
Latitude: 29.890382078306917
Longitude: 31.30350331227034
- Place of detention (linked Detention Victim)
- Al-Ma'asara Police Station
- Date of Arrest
- Aug 17, 2019
- Place of Arrest
- From Malaysia and he was deported to Egypt
- Was S/he trialed?
- No
- Summary
He was arrested in Malaysia and deported to Egypt on the first of March 2019 and was forcibly disappeared until 17/08/2019. Case No. 4117 of 2020, Dar Al-Salaam emergency misdemeanour. He was released on bail of 1,000 pounds on February 3, 2021 pending Case No. 1332 of 2018 State Security. And the bail was paid, but he was put on another case after his enforced disappearance on April 18, 2021 and his appearance on April 21, 2021 at the Prosecution. He was accused in Case No. 130 of 2021 State Security Misdemeanour, Al-Masara Emergency. He suffers from poor conditions of detention and has been prohibited from visiting since April 2021. He is being held in pretrial detention at Al-Masara Police Department until now.
- Image
- Data status
- Documented